There are a lot of things a person likes when it comes to the sky. And the most common thing a person likes when he looks at the sky are the clouds. And clouds attract me too.
Clouds are something which cheer me up the very instant i look at them. Not because of their humongous size or anything, but for the mental activity which it gives us. Yes, clouds give me a lot of mental activity. they rejuvenate my imagination and thought process. Clouds are such fascinating additions to this world that they pretend or assume the very shape you want them to, or, you yourself are looking at a cloud which looks like what you're thinking. however it goes, clouds are real cheerful creations.
and that does not mark the end of these clouds. they not only assume your favorite figures, but they are also available in different colours and sizes. these clouds are available is small, vague lines to huge, sky covering blankets or vaporised substances. when it comes to that, there is nothing better than such a cloud to cheer my day up. the other thing is colour. these clouds assume different colours during different times. sometimes they are as white as milk, sometimes glow gold-saffron at dusk and cool grey when they are dead heavy, Safffron and grey clouds being my favourite.
Well, this is all i can say about them clouds. Nothing else can boost your imagination like clouds!!
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