Saturday, 27 April 2013

Moon Tale

Moon Tale

In the clouds above land, lived a bearded king,
Warm-hearted yet deadly.
A small country he ruled, named lunaura.
Loved by all his men and kin.

In love he believed, war, he despised.
A mighty warrior, though he was,
A true lover too, he was.
But for only one, did his heart truly belong.

The Moon, he loved.
His nights went by talking to her,
And by her moods, 
He was fascinated.

Sometimes, Bright and complete she was.
At other times, shrouded with a grey cloth.
Sometimes, showing herself partly,
and some other nights, never came.

The king was not disappointed by this,
Patiently he would wait for her arrival.
"The unwaitable wait", he used to say and
The people used to sing: 

"Mad is our king, to the moon he speaks 
Mad is our king, a garland he wreaths.
"Made" says our king, "for the moon it is."
Don't know though, how he'd reach."

On one night,
When the Moon was brightest, 
The king, failing to resist,
Told her about his love.

The Moon, feeling very shy,
Vanished into the sky without answering.
The depressed king, went to sleep that night,
Thinking he failed.

Jealous was the Land,
of the love the king had for the Moon
And hid the Moon 
And eshrouded the king with a dark cloak.

To war, the king went,
Depressed; unable to wield his sword,
Died in the battle,
"Mooncause", the battle was called.

The Moon was blamed.
The Moon, struck by an arrow
Of sorrow,
Dimmed her shine for the rest of her life.

A grand funeral, the king was given.
All his knights and kinsmen,
Kings and people Of other countries 
came to see the last of the king who loved the Moon.

Silently in a boat he passed,
Bathing in a faint light, 
Sailing across the sky,
He went to where his heart lie.


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Populous Privacy!

The Populous Privacy

A hot sunny monday morning. After days of early rising and inadequate sleep, here was another one. Two things were happy about this day. 1) This would be the last such day for the next 3 days. 2) There was a long awaited quiz. Well, anyway, after half hour of hurried, tense stuff, i reached rendezvous point! After a long journey with a slight twist and a useless dispense of some money, the destination was reached. The quiz was amazing, though my team did not succeed. The more amazing part comes next.
From the venue of the quiz, was in sight, an ancient fort. Centuries old. It was my long awaited wish to go there. Apparently, i went there when i was 3 years old. I wanted to see it, now, that i have attained complete control over my brain and can retain memory. One of my friends, proposed a plan to go there. I jumped up in joy. A short ride along the fort wall and giant archways; a path similar to that of Minas Tirith, Gondor, we reached the entrance. A small gate, surrounded by human settlements, welcomed us. A cheap entry fee, and the whole fort, was left to roam. It was a huge fort, atleast 2 kilometers to the top and god knows how much the radius. 
The fort was filled with people, and yet, it offered a privacy. A privacy which was like no other, a unique type of privacy. The fort had more of a "Lord Of the Rings" setting. The fort area looked like Mines of Moria, just more open and less dark. The paths leading to the top of the hill were all like the bridges of Khazad-Dum. A fall from any of them would've been fatal. 
The walls were high, very high, they were not bound by cement but some other material made of mud, jaggery etc.  There were certain dark places, which looked like the tomb of Balin. Though some places were unaccessible, the fort was lovely and beautiful. A fun filled, energetic trek to the top, and we, the fellowship, reached the top of the hill. It was literally touching the skies. We were above a thin layer of clouds. In the heat of summer, the place was cool and refreshing. It was like something on Weathertop.
The journey down was steep and slippery like the stairs ascending from Minas Morgul. It was an adventurous day.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

A little more time

   A little more time

It is early in the morning,
Tough it is, to overcome this feeling.
The thing is ringing, tring tring.
In the most irritable way it can.
Not that this is new,
But a little more time with her will do.

From somewhere a noise, i hear.
I am being ordered by someone near.
She is warm and comfortable,
Leaving her will be daffy, but surely is inevitable .
Not that this is new,
But a little more time with her will do.

So irresistible she is,
For I am,today, very sluggish.
"O! bed", I cry every morning.
For i do not want to leave her, not for one small pausing.
Not that this is new,
But a little more time with her will do.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

On the busy roadside

On the busy roadside.

In a big city, where people are in a rush for anything; would one care to look to a side to look at street vendors?

As the darkness slowly spread in the sky, I was in a stuffed bus, following my regular schedule. After kilometres of standing and swaying, I got tired and decided to walk the small distance remaining.It was quite dark by then, and the pavement was partly showing by the streetlights and a part of it was in darkness. I, myself, was hurrying down the road to reach my destination as i was already a bit late. 

Before, i would walk that pavement when the sun was still setting and saw many vendors on the roadside. They seemed to be the normal type;  poor in attire, a family, fruits and vegetables, clothes and roasted corns. But that day, it was something different. Suddenly, the story "An Astrologer's Day" seemed to pop up. Though there were no astrologers on the street, the scene kind of depicted that setting. A fruit seller with his fruits laid on a mat in front of him, clothes hanging on a wire and a nut seller with a small gas-lamp. That lamp; it was ages that i've seen that type of a lamp. The similarity was, the vendors nearby were TRYING to  sell their goods, using the but-sellers lamplight. That one single light source lit up around 2-3 vendors' stores around. 
Though I missed an astrologer over there, it was quite a pleasing sight. Obviously, vendors who did not have the boon of light had to pack up by nightfall. Obviously, who would buy them?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Summer Rain

Summer Rain

Such lovely weather, 
I have not felt in days

The beautiful horizon,
A roar of thunder in the distant clouds and 
Faint rays of light piercing through.
Gusts of wind bringing rain,
Feels like it is a pleasant hurricane.

Far away waters are turning dark and hazy,
Cracks of lightning whizzing through the grey sky,
Trees look merry, shaking with joy

Two tiny birds flying against the wind, greeting "Ahoy!"
This change in the weather has refreshed me, oh boy!