Wednesday, 10 April 2013

On the busy roadside

On the busy roadside.

In a big city, where people are in a rush for anything; would one care to look to a side to look at street vendors?

As the darkness slowly spread in the sky, I was in a stuffed bus, following my regular schedule. After kilometres of standing and swaying, I got tired and decided to walk the small distance remaining.It was quite dark by then, and the pavement was partly showing by the streetlights and a part of it was in darkness. I, myself, was hurrying down the road to reach my destination as i was already a bit late. 

Before, i would walk that pavement when the sun was still setting and saw many vendors on the roadside. They seemed to be the normal type;  poor in attire, a family, fruits and vegetables, clothes and roasted corns. But that day, it was something different. Suddenly, the story "An Astrologer's Day" seemed to pop up. Though there were no astrologers on the street, the scene kind of depicted that setting. A fruit seller with his fruits laid on a mat in front of him, clothes hanging on a wire and a nut seller with a small gas-lamp. That lamp; it was ages that i've seen that type of a lamp. The similarity was, the vendors nearby were TRYING to  sell their goods, using the but-sellers lamplight. That one single light source lit up around 2-3 vendors' stores around. 
Though I missed an astrologer over there, it was quite a pleasing sight. Obviously, vendors who did not have the boon of light had to pack up by nightfall. Obviously, who would buy them?

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