Thursday, 1 August 2013



Well, it takes time for people to realise how the world works. You may think that it can go easy and what you expect would happen. That is just another hoax which life makes. In a certain twist and turn of events, all that you hope and expect, comes crashing down. 
You may think that some people will stay with you forever. Well, its again big illusion created by this awesome thing called Life. Its not easy to maintain things as valuable and precious as love, friendship, trust and character. But when these are put to test, you find your true self. Someone who was hiding from you, but was in you. These are the times when you momentarily take a look at how you actually are. 
As time flies by the second, relations strain or get better. It depends solely on you to mend which ever way it goes. People you love may quarrel and you may have to choose whom to support. And that choice may make all the difference, because once something is lost, it is not easy to bring it back. You may choose to intervene in the quarrel and stop the fight. But you just get caught up and get screwed in the process. However hard you may try, the end result may be final. A certain side can get offended and leave you. But you want them back! You realise the unintentional mistake! 
To make it up to the lost person, you turn against the other side. Against a person you never sought to lose. A person with whom you never wanted to strain your relation. But circumstances say otherwise. Life says otherwise. In an attempt to mend the mistake, you accidentally turn against the person. With an intention to stop the quarrel, you restart it. You, a soldier who tried bringing peace, in a desperate mission, throw the kill switch on. You lose the person forever. You get the other person back, just to know its not as good as before. Both the relations are strained. You feel yourself plunged into a deep pit of sorrow. But then again, The Warrior, your protector, comes to help you out! Time mends the strained relation. From further deterioration, the warrior protects you. The warrior, armed with the shield of time and a sword of hope, gives us time to pick ourselves up, come back into the same light in which you were before you fell into the pit. 
"Time heals all wounds, but it takes wisdom, to keep them from re-opening". The whole episode tests you, and you may fail, but in the process, you learn the way of life, you learn that nothing goes as you expect, intervening in things may get you screwed pretty bad. But, hope is not dead, to hope is not wrong. You learn the sacrifices to be made. 
The experience may leave you shattered and scarred for life. It is in your hands to fix the broken pieces. You may either choose to go back to the day when it happened and sob over it, or just look ahead, without turning back and live like it affects you very little. Look ahead to the portal to happiness and not back to the pit of darkness. 

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