Friday, 13 September 2013

Ilekosh, The king of Lunaura

Ilekosh, The king of Lunaura

The king of Lunaura, Ilekosh. 
Born to a royal family.
Was set to become king, simply.
The king of Lunaura. Ilekosh.

Royal bringing up,
Soup in a golden cup.
Had a dog named Snup.
The king of Lunaura.

Father, a king,
Mother's all about bling bling. 
Ilekosh was differently twinkling.
Mighty warrior, set to be.

One day he went to war with his father, at a fair age. That day he saw the effects of war. He began to loathe it! He began to pity those who fought. He loved those who loved. Hunk of a personality, an eagle's keenness, an excellent swordsman, ace archer, every trait of a good king. Generous, considerate, patriotic. 

Not long since his birth,
He saw something mirth.
He saw the love of his heart.
The one Moon, shimmery and bright.

The Moon saw him grow,
Pass through all the high and low,
Endure winter's snow,
To Look at her, and bow.

Ilekosh loved to talk to her, however late it was. However cold it was. However hard it was. Somedays, too see that the moon was absent, made him sad, but he knew she would be back. Years and years his love lasted. It seemed as if there was no end to it. As if it was a never-ending fountain perpetually gushing love. It was as if, under her watch, in her presence, he was at his best. Best at war, best at rule, best at archery, best at sword fights, best at horse-riding and everything the king does. Simply the best. 

Generous rule,
Entertained like a fool,
Not cruel,
Waiting for the Moon, he'd drool. 

Lunaura was small. Not that big.
Yet the king would stand tall
Against all assaults,
Inner and outer.

More than fight
He preferred love to show, rather than
Souls to mourn and
Bodies to burn.

Ilekosh never tried conquering other kingdoms. He was content with his small kingdom, called Lunaura which he ruled. Ilekosh, the King of Lunaura.

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