Thursday, 2 January 2014

All the gifts

All the gifts

Its so nice. All the gifts we receive, seen and unseen, felt and unfelt, tangible and otherwise. These tiny gifts of appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness wrapped in foils of love and affection, respect and loyalty, are often the most memorable! The tiny, small things that don't seem significant, but bury a thousand memories in them, stuffing themselves with them and holding in their bonds, our bonds of love and affection, are the best ones. 
I saw 'The empty hearse' today! It was really awesome and that thing, was an amazing new years' gift! It does have memories associated with it! All the gossips me and my friends had about this episode, the anxious,exciting wait for this episode and finally, the mutual bliss in experiencing this episode! 
Its as if the big, huge gifts are too lazy and unwilling to hold memories; as if the tiny ones, always try to make us happy. Maybe this is where, once more, tiny beats big! 
However big something may be, its always the small things that make it look big!