Sunday, 22 June 2014



"For the culture of cities, which had outlasted so many civilizations had been doomed at last when the helicopter brought universal transportation. Within a few generations the great masses of mankind, knowing that they could reach any part of the globe in a matter of hours, had gone back to the fields and forests for which they had always longed."
- Rescue Party, Arthur C. Clarke

Imagine living in that world, advanced and primitive at the same time. 
Imagine living in caves and trees like Neanderthals, among nature, one with nature.
Imagine living with other forms of life, together, without being divided by heights and walls. 
Imagine a world where oneness is universal..

Friday, 13 June 2014

Remnants of a Supposed Masterpiece

Remnants of a Supposed Masterpiece

I dreamed a dream,
In which I was standing,
Standing at the edge of a cliff,
Standing tall and undaunted.

And there before me,
Lay nature in its true form;
Green and blue and brown
Rendering the other colours invisible.

It was like a painting,
Delivering all the detail.
Except, it moved.

I stood there watching this painting,
Then, a sound came along.
A voice reciting a poem,
Praising the beauty of this painting.
It was my voice, delivering a poem,
A gift to all of nature.

Then music accompanied the praise,
The soft and serene music of the violin string,
Joined by regular beats of 
The drum.

Then I flew over nature,
Listening to that supposed masterpiece I was delivering,
Echoing through hills and valleys,
Floating over blue streams,
Sustaining life as there was.

I don't remember any of the lines.
One line vaguely comes back,
Like life with no body,

I delivered a supported masterpiece praising nature.
I don't remember anymore. Maybe a day will come when the line gets a body.

Sunday, 8 June 2014



You're an everlasting hurricane,
An eternal fountain of joy,
An eloquent river of beautiful words.

You're the extremity of cheer,
An emulation of life,
An extravagance of yourself.

You're the embellishment to a worth-to-be-told story,
An essential ingredient,
An embalmment of friendship.

All of those, in one of the empty
Chambers of the heart.
I carry your heart with me,
I carry it In my heart.

The 'life' in the Life Force

The 'life' in Life Force

What if there are forces not yet proven by science? 
What if we're all just vessels to the various forces of nature, vessels put to test compatibility for a much greater scientific experiment?
After all those questions asked about life, I think life is all about emotions. Come to think of it, they are all around us, in everything. These non-livimg things, they show the emotions of ignorance and arrogance, possibly nervousness or shyness. 
This 'emotion', I feel, is one of the many forces of nature, that affects the course of nature in a conspicuous way. It seems like it does nothing, but it is what decides 'Fate'. 
So basically, Emotion is something around which things are woven around or maybe its like the spider in the middle of the web or maybe one of the nodes of the web.
When we are all young and new to this world of forces working together, the only emotions we really can show are probably happiness and sadness and probably ignorance and a tiny, tiny bit of anger.  That is the new vessel made for the purpose of 'life', a game played by invisible things...(new theory obtained. Later posts)... The force of emotion quickly fills this vessel and gives it LIFE! 
Distinguish robot, a vessel and human, a vessel; the difference is the constituent forces! Robots= electrical . Human= emotion.
And as we slowly grow up, there is suddenly more space and force of emotion brings in many more various forms into this vessel. We become more lively as we grow. 
And towards the end of our lives, we're too frail to hold so much force in us. We soon dwindle and die. And then that force passes on to someone else. 
Ever seen those acts of brutality done by various people? We feel a strong emotion. Law of Conservation right there! Its the force of emotion leaving the brutal person, flowing into someone who can keep that part of emotion alive; it's emotion adapting to survive; turning from love to pity or sadness. (What form of love is there in brutal acts?)
The force of emotion is too strong and too conspicuous to comprehend. Emotion defines all life and life is all about emotion. 
Life is emotion is life.