Tuesday, 17 March 2015

A Dog in the Park

I saw a dog in the park. It was playing with a bottle.
I saw the same dog run to me as I whistled.
I saw the dog stand in front of me, its eyes sparkled.
I saw the dog, fox-like, it looked.
I saw the dog go away and roam the park.
I saw the dog wander aimlessly, not knowing where to go.
I saw the dog looking for company.
I no longer saw the dog,  I had gone away.
I no longer saw the dog, it slipped my brain.
I no longer saw the, my heart let go.
I saw the dog again, it barked.
I saw the dog that ran.
I saw the dog that saw kids playing.
I saw the dog that sought to play.
I saw the dog that tried to make a friend.
I saw the dog be ignored.
I saw the dog feel sad, I saw the dog feel ignored.

It ran towards the kids joyfully, only to see that the kids did not care, nobody cared. It ran with energy, it stopped with weakness. It just stood there and I felt the dog and I felt sad. It made me think, what does a dog in a park do? Does it run all day? Does it chase butterflies? Does it chase away other dogs? Does it chase people away? Does it play with those who would? Does it sleep all day? Does it get bored? Is it used to its loneliness? Is it not? What does it feel?

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