Monday, 1 February 2016

Safety Valve

Dear Future-me,

I think you will remember this day I am going to tell you about. It was February 2nd, 2016. You went flat-hunting! You walked a road which you frequently visited in your first two semesters. Remember that shady road on that chilly night? When you were walking on this road, a thought struck your mind like a clock striking twelve. The needles of space and mind came together, perfectly. You remembered those times in which you used to frequent the road, you remembered everything that happened, everyone you met there- You know, as much as you think your memory is in ruins, as much as you think that nostalgia is a thing of the past to you, it's not true. You know the truth. I think you should accept it (I hope you remember that the very instant you wrote this, you accepted this to be true). Our fanaticism with 'Doctor Who,' perhaps, brought about this thought. I don't know how old you are, right now, but, I am 19, Future-me. We were 17 when we came to this place. One and a half versions of us shared the wind with this place. I am 19, now, and I thought of our 17th and 18th. I thought about everything that had happened in those two years. I went through so much! We went through so much- so much to even comprehend or remember. We went through the tiniest of things as well as cataclysmic happenings. I-we- felt that if I had met 17 or 18, there, he would have simply raised an eyebrow in appreciation, shock and cluelessness.

I don't know how many years after 19 you will read this. Only time will tell how it will shape me. Only you can tell me how it has shaped you. But, I  know that if not straight up, deep down, you are still me. I know that 16, 17, 18 and 19 are not people you will let go. And by some calamity, if you forget what they were, I hope this letter will remind you. Anyway, I know that my future, like every other, is filled with fractures which will distort it. I know that time can alter me. I hope that this letter will remind you of what not to be. Future-me, I want you to remember certain things, because you have stored your soul in them.

I want you to remember that you have made promises to people you hold most dear. I want you to remember every promise that you have made to them. I want you to remember that you must keep them at any cost. I want you to remember that these are not just any promises, but promises on which others have built parts of their future on. You matter to them and you keeping your promise matters to them. Do not forget!

I want you to remember the people in your life: those people who have shaped you. I want you to remember why you are the way you are. At 19, I remember every single person and every single memory I share with them that has made me what I am. Only then will you know where you went wrong, if you did. I want you to remember that people deserve second chances. We know the value of second chances. In case you forgot, remember every black day that ever stopped us in our path and made us realise their worth.

I want you to remember everything that you have accomplished. Being me, being our former selves,  we have accomplished so much. I know that this does not mean much to you. But, think of everything and everyone you have gained. Remember that my last day brought you something so dear that you swore to never let it go; just because it was infinitesimally magical. Remember that 18 lost someone very dear. Remember that you understood that the colours you lost can be remade with the colours you have. Remember that you did things you never thought were doable by our stupid, younger selves. Remember that we trashed doubt.

I want you to remember that your motive in life is to make others feel at home. Remember that you have always wanted to add a bright spark to others' lives. I want you to remember why you wanted to be that.

I want you to remember that your way of life is defined by Geronimo and Allons-Y! Remember that thinking twice before jumping is not you! Remember that you always gave it one thought. Remember that your insanity, quirkiness and childishness are what made you who you are. Oh, also! Don't let go of that Drama Queen! Our friend once told 18 that one of the better parts about him was that he didn't bother about people caring to hear what he said; he just spoke what he wanted to. I falter, now and then, but, I'm working towards not losing that. She was a nice addition to our story, wasn't she?
Remember that the amount of confidence you have in yourself is what you want it to be! Remember that the people you consider most dear will not let you hit the ground! These hands will always catch you!

I want you to remember when you believed that happiness lies in the small things, like the tiny packs of chocolate wrapped in shining foil, kiwis and raindrops, stories and memories and every single thing that you fell in love with. I want you to remember the last Rice Krispie you stored in your cupboard because it meant so much to you!

More than anything, I want you to remember that you have written your story. You have written this letter. You have entrusted my future with me through this letter. I am honoured. Everything said and done, these have been the most memorable parts of your life! When you read this letter, you may become someone I will not recognise. But, you will recognize your old favourites.

I will not say that you will never need a reminder of all this. I bid this to be your safety valve; something that will stop you from returning to being someone we chose not to. But, you know what? I know that my future is in safe hands! Just make sure you don't lose them!

Yours lovingly,

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