Sunday 30 March 2014

I'm sorry, poor man..

I'm sorry, poor man..

I'm feeling a bit guilty and sorry.
This guy on the road, he was a beggar
And he did ask for money
And he said," it's ugadi, please do give me some money." And I just walked away
With a thought of actually giving something.
I did not give him anything.
But, now that his words are continually echoing in my mind,
In the selfsame tune and words,
I feel sorry.
I feel guilty.
I feel bad.
It is a festival,
As is a new year for the people who follow the local calender.
Everyone deserves something extra when its a festival.
Something nice.
As is custom to actually give something during a festival.
But I just walked away.
Now that I think about it, I feel like I should've given him something atleast.
He was old-looking,
Not so old and yet not so young.
Somewhere in between.
It was a regretful thing.
But as a friend said, "repentance is a phantom that comes too late."
I am feeling guilty.
I could've given something.

I'm sorry...

Saturday 22 March 2014

The precious few

The precious few

There are few people in this world, we dearly call earth. These people, they lie silent, as if soundproofed by untold sadness and unseen darkness, living on the other side of this barrier of vacuum, who seem to be unsociable, odd.
These people are not odd.
They're treasure chests. They're beautifully carved oysters. 
These people are the ones who deserve fandom. These are the ones, beautifully carved treasure chests with untold unfelt treasures, studded with gems of all merry colours, lying somewhere in that abyss, deep in that darkness, somewhere, lurking to be found. This chest, so beautiful that a mere vague glance could light up a dull room. A treasure chest glowing with so much light, it lights up the darkness in people. 
These people are the ones, who're oysters as big as Atlantis, etched on with utopian dystopia, who show right to wrong, with the dim shimmery silver glow of the pearl somewhere in Atlantis.
These are the people I see. Everyday. 
Trust is all they need. 
Treasure always means to be found, you need the right map.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Not right away

Not right away..

Even a Disney movie takes a lot of effort to be made. So, if you want the perfect Disney life, you still have to work for it.

Saturday 15 March 2014

I'll miss you, my love!

I'll miss you, my love!

Physics, I’m done with You. 
I don’t think I will be dealing with you again. This I writre with mixed moods of joy and sadness. 
You were a true love. To be honest, you were a bitch I truly loved. Through all those frustrating things you taught me, all those diagrams you showed me to draw, and everything you took me through, they were painful, mind-wobbling yet, awesome!
You were my food for thought, you wholly occupied my mind, I still do think about all the mysteries you hold. I theorise about you, your mysteries. You’re a constant thought. A thought I don’t want to stop thinking.
You define me. I’m an imbecile without you. My sole reason of thought and effort. My sole place of thinking and deduction and memory.
But you gave me so many hardships, so many. Yet, I’ll take them as happy troubles. Troubles I loved to bear! The problems of your past are my privilege. The problems of your future too, can be my privilege, a side-thought, a constant side-thought. 
You will truly be missed by me.
Yours Truly,
A lover

Gandalf, I concur

Its the small things that keep the darkness at bay..the everyday acts of love and kindness…
— Gandalf, the Grey; An Unexpected Journey.

Friday 7 March 2014



If ice makes you shiver,
Yet it makes you shine and glimmer,
If its all you like and
All you believe in,
If its all you symbolise and 
Frozen is definitely a movie to watch.
If ice makes you shiver, and
It makes you dull and dimmer,
If its something you don't like, and
Something you don't believe in,
If its all you despise and
Frozen is definitely the movie to watch.

Its not the regular Disney movies with a prophecy leading the whole story, with romantic songs in between, throughout. It is a musical, with good music and ones which make sense in the scene. Its not the average 'true love' concept. It has 'true love', yes, but it shows that true loves extends to more than a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It shows that relations are not destroyed by closed doors and cold walls, sharp icicles and heights. 
Frozen shows that innocence is not always dumb. It shows that family extends to more than people. It shows deception and ambition through flowery words. 
Frozen is a composition of icy awesomeness, which sends this goose bump down your spine.
Most of all, it has appealed to me, and will appeal to most, the love between siblings, the surely unquestionable true love, that though seems to be invisible, like every other love, is surely present. A bond that is not broken by any reason or force. 
Finally, there is an animated Disney movie that shows love as something different. This is a unique movie and I'm happy it won the oscar. Things must get their rewards when they deserve them.