Saturday 15 March 2014

I'll miss you, my love!

I'll miss you, my love!

Physics, I’m done with You. 
I don’t think I will be dealing with you again. This I writre with mixed moods of joy and sadness. 
You were a true love. To be honest, you were a bitch I truly loved. Through all those frustrating things you taught me, all those diagrams you showed me to draw, and everything you took me through, they were painful, mind-wobbling yet, awesome!
You were my food for thought, you wholly occupied my mind, I still do think about all the mysteries you hold. I theorise about you, your mysteries. You’re a constant thought. A thought I don’t want to stop thinking.
You define me. I’m an imbecile without you. My sole reason of thought and effort. My sole place of thinking and deduction and memory.
But you gave me so many hardships, so many. Yet, I’ll take them as happy troubles. Troubles I loved to bear! The problems of your past are my privilege. The problems of your future too, can be my privilege, a side-thought, a constant side-thought. 
You will truly be missed by me.
Yours Truly,
A lover


  1. Wow. So much love. I'll miss physics too. Hahaa but surely not as much as you do.

  2. Hahaha :D she is a darling! :p

  3. Maybe. But I'm just done with science. So no more physics!! :D Now, thinking of that makes me so soo happy. Haha. :p

  4. Please tell me you're not taking commerce! :p

  5. I don't know what I'm taking. But I'm not taking science. Hahaa. Yeah I'm hopeless. :p

  6. Well I'm doing law after 12th. So...... :p science has just been a passion! Please don't take commerce :'(

  7. It has always been an Ill omen and a dreadful thing

  8. Oh even I might be doing law. I'm totally confused though. There's law, fashion designing, psychiatry and travelling.

    Why do you think commerce is so bad? I'm sure it'll be ok.

  9. Nice options :D I took economics as my optional. Suffered! Bored! And rot in that stinking hole! It is a boring,drab, dull, disgusting, unenthusiastic and everything negative! And so are the others. So strictly no commerce streams. Yuck! There's nothing interesting in it. These thoughts are also considering my friend's views who took commerce as this main subjects. But yes, drab, dull, disgusting, boring! Thats why I hate it :p

  10. Aww that bad? God. I don't know. I really don't know what I'm going to do. Haha I'm so sure I'm going ro be as confused as I am right now even then, when I have to choose them. I just hope that whatever it is that fancies my mind then actually helps me later on. :p

  11. I did not demotivate you or something no? :p xD. They are some potential options :D very helpful and not mainstream. :D they'll help!

  12. Hahaa no no. Okay maybe a li'l bit. :p It's okay, let's just see how things work out. :)

  13. No no you don't have to apologise! Seriously.

  14. The usual. Listening to songs, googling stuff. But I have to start studying in sometime :p what bout you? :)

  15. Which exam next? When is it? Meesa doing chemistry! The wrath! :'(

  16. Hindiii. It's on monday! Oh my god. You know what chemistry reminds me of? That my paper was so frekkin' awesome. I did the whole paper. All the questions. :o I really didn't expect it to go so good. Like till the last minute I was so scared.

    What subjects did you take. I'm confused. You took commerce and eco, right? Then why are you doing chemistry?

  17. I heard your chem paper was easy!!! :p like really easy. My subjects are maths, physics, chemistry, english, economics! Economics is optional subject! So.... :D chem is alright(I love breaking bad :p) but it is kinda tiring etc

  18. Exactly. I mean the way I killed myself studying for it. Was epic. And hardly anything came. Haha.

    Oh wow. So you like have the best of both worlds. Physics, chemistry and economics. We don't have that choice in our school. :p
    Of what I've heard breaking bad seems interesting. I shall definitely watch it sometime. Yeah chem can be tiring. You have to by-heart a lot.

  19. Its one thing to study that much and go write an exam. Half the heart feels good that it went well, the other half says "why did I study so much? It did not pay off!!!".
    Best? Economics is not best in any world! I only have best in one world! XD.
    It is good! Saw season one.
    You have to understand AND by-heart! Thats when the problem comes. Stupid stuff..but stuff indeed..
    So joining in the same school again? Or somewhere else?

  20. See that's thing na. Understanding isn't really the problem. Procrastinationis. Hahah.
    Yeah I'm continuing in the same school. My mum loves it a lot. I on the
    other hand not so much. But let's see. Two years only na. It'll get
    over super fast.

    1. Nice! These two there'll be a lot of fun! And work! But fun :D

  21. Yeah :D
    so when is your next exam? You're also writing your boards or just normal exams?

    1. Mine is on 27th.boards ma! :p stupid stuff! Just to know I'll never need to write icse/isc stuff again! Phew

    2. Oh then you're done with them! Awesome baap. Haha. But boards are just the beginning. Jussaying.

    3. I know! Ha! But at least, we'll have some morale and excitement to study what we like na? Instead of a hundred subjects we don't even like.

    4. Hahaa.
      You do have a point. I'm just jealous cause you're gonna be done
      with'em while I'll have to go through this shit for two more years. :p

    5. Thats why choose a stream you're passionate about! I HAD to choose economics because I did not have many options. Would've chosen English literature otherwise!
      (Should we be chatting so publicly instead of a private chat? :p)

  22. Yeah but the problem is. I don't know what I'm passionate about yet. There are a few things. But it's all scrambled in my mind.
    Hahaa. I was just thinking that. But I thought you'd find me creepy or something. :p

  23. Out thoughts are in phase! Thought the same thing :p take the summer to decide properly :p

    1. Great minds think alike? :p
      Yupp. I shall definitely do that.

    2. Okay, let's not chat so publically? I'm a little internet handicapped so you suggest what we should do.

  24. Yeah cool. Hahaa. Just confirming again. You're not some psychotic killer who's going to brutally kill me right?

  25. Oh yuss. I'm a psychotic killer. And you my friend, are my next target.*smirk* Muhuhahaaha.


  26. Hahahaha! Facebook=tanya mehta? :p

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Okay so facebook. It is. :)
