A WhatsApp contact that keeps counting the days says that this is day 91. 91 partly amazing partly stinking days in this place which I partly want to and partly must call "home." With thoughts like these, the only matter that follows would be a whole lot of random stuff that keep troubling a pseudo-depressed mind! For example, I want to, terribly, know what really caused the big bang! And I came up with a legitimate theory based of limited knowledge about black holes! Consider a big star and now imagine it die! One big star, One BIG black hole, one strong Singularity! And slowly, one by one, things got pulled in until a point came where there was NOTHING to eat. And this is when, the singularity barfed! It let go and barfed back the entire universe that it had eaten. So much pressure contained in one dot; it was bound to happen, right? This, I shall call the Implode-Explode theory! Maybe I could research on it! Except, I'm not in that field! Well, que sera!
And then, the one question, "does the dot regret bursting into a vast universe?" THE ANSWER. TO. WHICH. IS.... A Doctor Who fan fic in which the Doctor goes into the tiny dot. Yes, I am planning on and I already have two stories in mind! ©
I don't even know why I'm this... Whatever I am, right now!
I WANNA EAT STARS!! I want to taste them! Along with a sub! Starsubs, as my friend had put it! I'm entirely for it! Maybe it'll taste bland. Maybe it will taste like how we want it to! They're stars for heaven's sake! (maybe pun intended! I don't know) OOOOOOOH AND YOUUU!!! YOU YOU YOU!!! Oh god! You!! I don't know what is up with you and me anymore! We used to be bros, bro!! Love and Friendship flowed in the air back then. Now, its just a lot many "invisible" goodbyes floating here and there and everywhere! Welll!!!! I don't even know how to fix this "invisible" goodbyes shit!!! Hehheheheh! I'm sure Batman does notnwrite stuff like this! Or maybe he does! Sooooooo many unanswered questions! I don't even know who answers them! Maybe this is just space-time playing with me, the way it always does with people.
potatoes are starchy balls of love, falling from heaven above! They're beautiful chunks of grey-y white that are you great respite! I don't know any more man! I'll make that poem later! This is not a good one for it!
I had a childhood delicacy today! Its called "phantom." Cigarette shaped candy sticks, sweet things! Never stopped liking those! I smudged my lips with that white powder and then smudged the red end, trying to look like the joker! People mistook it for someone kissing me! As much as it would look like fun to think of that, I did not give one. Its what I've bloody become! A person who is not giving one. A person who is not giving one at a really really dangerous level. This is how people lose emotions! Kids, don't try this!
I've become a Stewie addict nowadays! There is no one who is able to make me laugh that much nowadays! Now that I think of it though, that laughter is not accounting for jack! Those tiny moments of laughter and joy and bliss are the only things that matter! Not the times when you laughed the hardest. Remember, kids, the tiny, blissful moments! They'll be the ones that make you!
I'm falling in love with stars! They're perfect! Alas, cities cover them!
on brighter sides, I have my camera with me, in this city, and I have started photography again. Well!
my friend's sad about something, I am, everyone's sad about something! why???!!!
OOOOOOH!!!! speaking of which!!!!!!!
I've been having words and numbers follow.me around. When I tried to put them in coherence, I arrived at 1372 Copper Abandoned War. Work it out! Its as if Space time wants to me figure out a universe-saving message! #whovian!
My laptop's become slow! My phone's "photo" tile is not lively anymore! The background, though, is beautiful!
I long for talking in my mother tongue! Reaally bad! I want to watch some oooold black and white Telugu movie and laugh at jokes that could be called jokes and not random bullshit!
I'm admiring Calvin and Hobbes more than before! I'm exploring #doctorwho and #calvinandhobbes a lot!
I've started reading this book called 'Team Of Rivals' Which is basically one big fat book about Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA, if I remember correctly! Brilliantly written, though! Keeps the reader gripped!
I got screwed because I was in the wrong place in the wrong time!
those of you who read it whole, my thanks to thee, for reading it out! For being that unknown shoulder! And those who couldn't, I wont blame you. After all, who even reads something like this? Ask yourself! Maybe you'll find an answer!