Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Hey December!

Gone are the days of Eleven,
Here are the days of Twelve.
The days are still seven,
Yet, one extra day we will dwell.

Gone is the month thirty days old,
Lost to a month thirteen degrees cold.
Gone is the month where stories are told,
Here's the month where stories are mould.

Gone is the sadness in a month that flew by,
Here is happiness of a month waiting for an end that is nigh.
Jingling bells and Christmas' tells,
Festivity and all-that's-wells.

Cosy blankets and warm hearths,
Homely people and  warm hearts;
Slowly sinking into a past,
One that will forever last.

The clock strikes twelve and the month's counting its days;
The year's packing its bags and tying its lace.
With all the Joy on the present day, and
With euphoria, I shall say,
Farewell, November,
Hello, December!


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Good Ones Forever

They'll always be good ones, good ones forever.

We often look back at our childhood, try to look at somebody else' childhood and we see a happy kid jumping around the backyard, jollying about a playground, rolling on a bed, giggling mindlessly, a perpetually happy kid with only happy memories to take forth in life.
We look at ourselves in a time when we would cry for things, destroy ourselves for a chocolate we could not get, things which are merely trifles now. My mother keeps telling me how others asked her, "Your son is always laughing and merry, why are you so strict, ma'am?" Its something I like to know, that I was a perpetually happy kid. But its the same case with every kid.
Childhood was when no one understood the gravity of the situation, no one understood the gravity of  grief. We were all planets who got pulled towards a bright, happy star defying the sorrowful pull of a black hole. We were things defying the laws of gravity. Sadness was not getting that toy you wanted, not getting potatoes for lunch, but tomatoes, doing homework beyond the stipulated study time, not getting ice cream, which as we grow up, we recognise them to be trifles. And thus, childhood passes like a happy memory. We realise that everything that made us sad back then were merely trifles and things that make us sad today were things with gravities we never understood. Only happiness remains. Maybe, even today, if we choose to ignore the gravity of the situation, everyday would be a day of Childhood. These Childhood-filtered good memories, they are what will counter today's bad memories. 

Childhood memories will always be a good ones, good ones forever.

Monday, 10 November 2014

A Memory to Share!

I remember distinctly when I was very young; a distinct memory like a song over-sung.
I used to see scary images on the window mesh when I used to wake up at midnight. I used to see faces, mashed up ones, screaming ones, horrified ones, pale ones... scary ones.
I used to hear things, fear the night and fear darkness. A shiver would go down my spine every time I would think about the dark road that leads to the back-field. It was scary to go to the backyard, filled with trees, in the night. I used to feel as if something kept watching me in the dark. I feared any sound that came out of the dark. Ghosts loomed over my head, constantly.
Night time was a scary time, darkness was a scary place.  Crying, I would hold out my hand in this darkness and one hand would always reach out to hold mine. In that cold place, one warm hand always held mine to tell me "I'm here." He kept holding until I got over that fear or drifted off to sleep. My brother was there to hold my hand in the most scariest of times. When I silently said, "Be there when I'm scared," he would gesture with a smile, "I'll be there when you're scared."
He used to say, "There's nothing to be scared about! If something makes you feel weird or scared, go and find out what it is;  poke it with a stick and you'll see that its not scary at all. Or, even if it is, it is fascinating and new. Don't be scared. Its really nothing." Those words did give courage for that time. But he made sure that these words reach me every time I felt scared.
"There was this time when I was walking the dark road to the back-field. I heard some noises. But I did not run away, or turn away. You know what I did? I went to where these noises were coming from and you know the watchmen? Ya, they were sitting there laughing and talking. There was this other time I heard an unusual sound. I tried looking around and saw that it was the trees rustling against each other. It really is nothing, nothing to be scared about," he used to say, instilling as much courage as possible.
There was this one time when I was sleeping alone. My brother and my mother were in another room talking. I heard a sound that I never quite heard before. It was shrill, shreaking and regular. It was at a time when I had seen an alien movie named 'Signs' and it was scary, terrifying. Except, this time, I wanted to see what it was. Yet, I was too scared to do it alone. I called my brother, who came to me and asked, "What's the matter?" I told him about the sound and he said, "Let's look at what it is!"
We switched the light on and looked around. After five minutes, he came from under the bed with something quite pretty in his hand. He said, "So here's your answer to the sound. Its called a cricket! It makes those sounds.... No reason for you to fear. Go back to sleep." That night, I slept knowing that I was in the company of something pretty that sang a lullaby to me to help me sleep, and not something that was going to kill me.
I won't say that I was never scared after that, I won't say I don't feel scared now, because fear is something that will never leave you. It is something that mankind must learn to live with.
But today, I am not that scared kid. I am a scared kid, but not that scared kid. Back then, I would say, "Be there when I'm scared," today, I say. "I'll be there when you're scared."
There is some point in time when everyone goes from "Be there when I'm scared" to "I'll be there when you're scared."
That memory will always remain as a bright star in the heart and when I relive it, tiny droplets stand at the brim of the eye, ready to jump into the smile that just took over.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Celestial Permanancy!

"Moon's dark. Not supported by the sun to shine and smile. I wonder what is wrong. Maybe, the heavy clouds filled with tears are too thick and is blinding the moon to look anywhere."
"Or maybe, the Moon took a break, sick of modelling."
"Always ready to come down in a rush and repeat the same again by absorbing its own grief."
"To be the character that is being played over and over again in the same play, returning again and again in different stories, tired of persuading kids to stop crying, tired of pulling the seas up from their deep slumber."
"But its her job... what more is she entitled to do?"
"She went on a short holiday, one everyone deserves."
"Its the Moon, she can't be selfish, she needs to radiate for everyone relying on her."
"Well, everyone needs a break."
"For those who admire her..."
"Her shoulders are drowning in tears people shed on her. Her heart is dying with the pain of all her rejection of people who love and admire her, the pain of staying thousands of miles away, from touch, just suspended in nothingness."
"I know... but what if the people's lives are affected by her decision? She is still seen... she touches us..."
"Nights are dark without her. She is just not there sometimes. At some point, no one is."
"And what  do people do then, without her glory?"
"They look toward the stars!"
"Without her soft commands... All too small..."
"And yet too vast, too many!""Are they worth worshipping?"
"They so are!"
"The stars, they come and go... in a blink, not that trustworthy."
"Stars are permanent. They're there everyday, every hour, twinkling aimlessly just for being there. A billion systems, just lying there, for you!"
"But one can never be chosen."
"That's the beauty! Every star will be there, whether you choose or not."
"What if one tries being extra bright... catches your eye and then the next day, vanishes?"
"It means that something happened that the star or you don't entirely understand. And when you don't understand what, you think and you take your mind off things that are killing you."
"Thinking and talking your mind off could be North and South."

Well, all in all, celestial bodies will be there for you, always!

Monday, 3 November 2014

"Can I?"

It was just me and a few others, well, still just me, walking on the road when this happened. One of those moments you really don't know what to do...
It was a sunny afternoon. It was around 3 O'clock and the sunlight was piercing through the skin, blistering every blood vessel possible. I turned around the corner and that's when I saw it happen. A man got thrown onto the road, pushed with all ferocity. He was dark, short and formally dressed. Then the person who pushed him came into sight. He was a tall and fairer in complexion. He was not as formally dressed as the other person. Then, the less formal guy grabbed the formal guy by his collar and began to throw him around. The formal guy kept shouting something, with an expression of apology and regret and fear. The informal guy did not stop. With every step towards Mr. Formal, Mr. Informal kept getting more aggressive. He picked him up and began to drag him. He slapped him and beat him. By now, Mr. Formal was crying, with pain, with helplessness, with fear, with the lost faith; just crying. He was still trying to get away, though. The next I saw him, Mr. Informal arms himself with a flat, think stick. Mr. Formal is being dragged, half of his body dragging itself after the torso being pulled. Mr. Informal generously helped Mr. Formal stand up and whacked his thigh with the stick. The stick broke at the whack. I wonder how painful that could've been. Mr. Formal screamed. He screamed out of pain and remorse, as loudly as he could. He screamed. Mr. Informal finally left him and Mr. Formal ran. He ran like his life got a fifteen minute headstart. He ran without looking back, shouting something in a language I could not understand. It was all over a kilogram of marijuana. Mr. Formal, here, apparently, tried to steal it. Mr. Informal got pissed. He beat him up. It all happened 2 metres away from where I stood. I could've tried to stop them, I could've stopped his thigh getting whacked. Except, for some reason of fear or doubt, I did not.
I just found it hard to believe that Mr. Formal wanted to steal the weed and I found it hard to decide as to who could be right, if Mr. Formal did intend to steal it.
It just turned out to be one of those events during which I stand doing nothing and regret later that I stood there and did nothing...

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Lightening it out!

A WhatsApp contact that keeps counting the days says that this is day 91. 91 partly amazing partly stinking days in this place which I partly want to and partly must call "home." With thoughts like these, the only matter that follows would be a whole lot of random stuff that keep troubling a pseudo-depressed mind! For example, I want to, terribly, know what really caused the big bang! And I came up with a legitimate theory based of limited knowledge about black holes! Consider a big star and now imagine it die! One big star, One BIG black hole, one strong Singularity! And slowly, one by one, things got pulled in until a point came where there was NOTHING to eat. And this is when, the singularity barfed! It let go and barfed back the entire universe that it had eaten. So much pressure contained in one dot; it was bound to happen, right? This, I shall call the Implode-Explode theory! Maybe I could research on it! Except, I'm not in that field! Well, que sera!
And then, the one question, "does the dot regret bursting into a vast universe?" THE ANSWER. TO. WHICH. IS.... A Doctor Who fan fic in which the Doctor goes into the tiny dot. Yes, I am planning on and I already have two stories in mind! ©
I don't even know why I'm this... Whatever I am, right now!
I WANNA EAT STARS!! I want to taste them! Along with a sub! Starsubs, as my friend had put it! I'm entirely for it! Maybe it'll taste bland. Maybe it will taste like how we want it to! They're stars for heaven's sake! (maybe pun intended! I don't know) OOOOOOOH AND YOUUU!!! YOU YOU YOU!!! Oh god! You!! I don't know what is up with you and me anymore! We used to be bros, bro!! Love and Friendship flowed in the air back then. Now, its just a lot many "invisible" goodbyes floating here and there and everywhere! Welll!!!! I don't even know how to fix this "invisible" goodbyes shit!!! Hehheheheh! I'm sure Batman does notnwrite stuff like this! Or maybe he does! Sooooooo many unanswered questions! I don't even know who answers them! Maybe this is just space-time playing with me, the way it always does with people.

potatoes are starchy balls of love, falling from heaven above! They're beautiful chunks of grey-y white that are you great respite! I don't know any more man! I'll make that poem later! This is not a good one for it!

I had a childhood delicacy today! Its called "phantom." Cigarette shaped candy sticks, sweet things! Never stopped liking those! I smudged my lips with that white powder and then smudged the red end, trying to look like the joker! People mistook it for someone kissing me! As much as it would look like fun to think of that, I did not give one. Its what I've bloody become! A person who is not giving one. A person who is not giving one at a really really dangerous level. This is how people lose emotions! Kids, don't try this!

I've become a Stewie addict nowadays! There is no one who is able to make me laugh that much nowadays! Now that I think of it though, that laughter is not accounting for jack! Those tiny moments of laughter and joy and bliss are the only things that matter! Not the times when you laughed the hardest. Remember, kids, the tiny, blissful moments! They'll be the ones that make you!
I'm falling in love with stars! They're perfect! Alas, cities cover them!
on brighter sides, I have my camera with me, in this city, and I have started photography again. Well!
my friend's sad about something, I am, everyone's sad about something! why???!!!
OOOOOOH!!!! speaking of which!!!!!!!
I've been having words and numbers follow.me around. When I tried to put them in coherence, I arrived at 1372 Copper Abandoned War. Work it out! Its as if Space time wants to me figure out a universe-saving message! #whovian!
My laptop's become slow! My phone's "photo" tile is not lively anymore! The background, though, is beautiful!
I long for talking in my mother tongue! Reaally bad! I want to watch some oooold black and white Telugu movie and laugh at jokes that could be called jokes and not random bullshit!
I'm admiring Calvin and Hobbes more than before! I'm exploring #doctorwho and #calvinandhobbes a lot!
I've started reading this book called 'Team Of Rivals' Which is basically one big fat book about Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA, if I remember correctly! Brilliantly written, though! Keeps the reader gripped!
I got screwed because I was in the wrong place in the wrong time!
those of you who read it whole, my thanks to thee, for reading it out! For being that unknown shoulder! And those who couldn't, I wont blame you. After all, who even reads something like this? Ask yourself! Maybe you'll find an answer!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

A Ray Of Hope.

As he saw her sit by the window,
face turned away, with
A cloud as dark as the thunderous one above, in the night sky,
Looming over her head,
He saw the window drip with the same tears
Her heart would have wanted her eyes to drip with.

She lowered her head,
Rested it on the synthetic fabrics of a
Dark and black bag.
His shoulders longed to be the bag,
The same one it always used to be,
The same 'Pillow.'

For a long time,
Pitter-patter rain drops were all that broke the
Dreadful silence that lived between them;
The only silence in that whole place.
But, when she finally spoke,
The first ray of light pierced through.

The one ray of light that brought in hope that everything would be alright!

Friday, 3 October 2014


The following is the result of potato obsession! (Oh, the love!) LOTR paraphrases with potatoes!

1) When you don't know which way to go, always follow the potato, Master Took![Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring]
2) There are many things in this world that we wish did not happen, Frodo. Potato is not one of them! [Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring]
3)  A potato is never undercooked, Frodo Baggins, nor is it overcooked! It is cooked precisely as it means to!  [Gandalf, Fellowship of the Ring]
4) One potato to rule them all![LOTR]
5) The biggest vegetable may be slain by one chop. Potato was pierced by many![Peregrin Took, Return of the King]
6) The potato is mine! [Frodo Baggins, Two Towers and Return of the King]
7) For Potato! [Aragorn, The Return of the King]
8) There's plenty for the both of us! May the best Potato win! [Gimli, Return of the King]
9) The last time I checked, Potato, and not Aragorn, was the King of Rohan! [Theoden, The Two Towers]
10) From the ashes, a fire shall be woken. A light from the shadow shall spring. Renewed shall be hunger that was broken. The potato again shall be king. [Arwen, the Return of the King]
11) That's for the Potato I ate! That's for Potato I'm eating! And that's for the Potato I'm Gonna eat!! [Samwise Gamgee, Return of the King]
12) My Potato!!! [Gollum, The Hobbit, The Two Towers and The Return of The King]
13) Master? Master carries heavy Potato. Sméagol knows. Heavy, heavy Potato. Fat one cannot know. Sméagol look after Master.[Gollum]
14) The man who can wield the power of this potato can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth.[Elrond, The Return of the King]
15)There can be no triumph without potato. No victory without potato. No freedom without potato.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

You heavenly thing!

Be there when I need you,
Be there when I look for a savior,
Be there when there is drought,
Be there when there is plenty,
Be there when I'm sad,
Be there when I'm happy,
Be there when I look for a shoulder,
Be there when I'm away,
Be there when I'm not,
Be there when I'm going through a miracle,
Be there when I'm going through an ordeal,
Be there always,
My love,
Darling Potato.

The stars are going out, doctor!

The stars are going out,
One by one,
The stars are going out.

Each lingering light,
Poof and plash,
like light bulbs in the dark.

The stars are going out,
As if they never existed,
Null and void and black.

The stars are going out,
multitudes of them,
No longer glittering like gems.

The stars are going out,
Systems, as a whole,
Stars are going out.

A galaxy is out,
It once existed, but,
Now its just a memory.

Well, the heart can't take the loss,
The brain can't bear the weight,
Where do I lay the blame?

Monday, 22 September 2014

You Moronic Bastard!

Time, don't stop,
It's a terrible second.
Memories, don't stop,
It needs replacement.
Space, please die,
You're no longer required.
Sun, do burn out,
You're worthless.
Wind, tire out,
Stand still and gasp.
Waves, please don't crash,
It's way too saddening.
Rocks, break right now,
It's what everything does.
Everything, please just everything.
Heart, you bastard, do beat!
Its what you do anyway! 

Thursday, 18 September 2014

A Party is Due

A party is due,
After all these seconds that flew by,
For all these seconds that flew by,
After all the laughter that echoes in time,
For all the laughter that echoes in time,
After every barrier broken,
For every barrier broken,
After a million messages,
For the million messages,
After the gazillion idiotic smiles,
For the gazillion idiotic smiles,
After the racing hearts, and
For the racing hearts,
A party is due!
Happy Birthday, dearest friend! :D

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Their Eternity

There is no end to the Ganges.
And yet, even when thinking that thought,
It merges with the Bay of Bengal.

And still, the Bay carries her,
As if she is his own,
Oh, the love!

Yet, she may settle down on the ocean bed,
Forgotten and
Never to remembered again.

Leaving all of her old self,
All of what defined her previously,
For her new found love, the Bay.

A sea of sacrifice and tears, and
Yet, the perfect blend of
Two lovers.

Lovers who meet, never to be separated again,
Destined to be together,
Ensured by Rain.

On and on
For the world to remember their love
For eternity.

Its often so that this love is all but ignored,
By folk who care no more about
The finer details of the lore.

But their love shall live on,
In the memory of the ocean,
Flowing in its waters of perpetuity.

The stormy skies crash down
Cruelly with ferocity,
Tearing them apart.

They are but those tiny additions of love,
To a love that can't saturate;
Endless and limitless.

Thence they leave the Ocean, for
It can no longer contain their love.
They go far away.

Far away from this world,
To a place where there is no I or You;
To a place where all that there is, is a We.

                                                                    - By Shraddha Dubey and Batmanwrites

Monday, 25 August 2014

The dimensions of life

It may sound normal, but, there is this thread of coincidence weaving itself around me, rarely connecting with me. The word 'Copper', for example, is just repeating itself so many times that it seems to be playing some hidden and important role in my life.
Everything that seemed insignificant actually seems to be more significant. It is nice, in a way, to know that you're the centre of something big; but again, everyone is.
Their universes colliding with so many others', creating dimensions  that we never thought could exist, a new realm altogether. And so many dimensions forming perpetually; a dimension within another and so on and so on until one particular dimension forms, in which everyone's dimensions just blend in harmoniously.
There are these different dimensions that are forming just by the decisions we make; another new dimension contradicting the decision we make in this one, and these contradictions resonating with the thousands of contradictions of others' dimensions. Except, we don't realise that we're stepping into another dimension and the world is adapting according to the decision WE make. These things just make us feel important, but actually, "We're just infitesemal flecks of dust in history." [Woot woot! Well said, queenofsmirks!]. Except, these small flecks make all the difference. 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Just another letter

Hello there,
I hope you can hear me or atleast take notice of what i am going to say.
I know I should not have left you at that foreseeable end, maybe, I should've taken you along with me for the rest of my life, my partner. Not a day goes by without me thinking of how perfect you made me and how we were a good pair.
But still, know this, I may have found a new somebody. She is not as adorable as you, nor is she that loved by me. She just fits me, so it seems, and I may be continuing the rest of my life with her. I'm sorry, Physics, but Jurisprudence may be my forever.
She is not as great as you and just a thousand times more bitchy. She does not instigate me to use my mind as much as you did. She is just not you! But still, blame the circumstances, damn them in hell, my journey must be with this one. Maybe, and maybe, even she will break apart after 5 long years. Until then, you'll be someone i'll regularly visit and care about.
After the 5 years, I may just come back to you. Please do wait!
                                                                                                                 Yours Lovingly,

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

One Magical Tale

Clouds that go dark,
Wind that blows cold,
Peckers pecking against bark and
All the memories that we hold.
Space between our hands,
As true as a truth never told.
Through silence,
We have a magical tale unfold.
The hopes that clouds stay forever and wind keeps blowing,
That we stay eternal and our love keeps blooming.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Wishes and Hopes

I wish words could contained this,
I wish spaces rented their vacancy to this.

I hope question marks don't question this,
I hope exclamations keep adding the amazement,
I hope ampersands keep this joined, forever, a pair eternally joint.
I hope commas won't pause this and fullstops won't stop this.

I want this to go on, till the end of the universe,
The end of time.
Wishes and Hopes,
They never die.
I hope this never dies.

I don't even know what 'this' is. I can't point it out in a group of 'this'es. But maybe, if I have to, I'll point right at you.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Before I forget, Farewell!

I am writing this 11 days before I leave, lest I should forget.
I want to thank you for all you've given me, a place to boast of, a lovely atmosphere and all the other amazing things a city can give, the uniquely amazing things you won't find in any other city.
Its that brief time for which I won't be with you, just another inch of time in that huge time vortex. I will miss you, Hyderabad. 
I've breathed my first breath here and every 'first' of mine was done in your presence. This is the unique thing about you, no other city will give me that now. 

I have had all the happy moments and sad moments and the 'Happy though sad' moments in this city. I now finally have a reason to call you HOME. 

I want to leave parts of you and I'm happy that I'm leaving them. I also have parts that I want to take with me and I'm sad that I'm leaving them behind. But, its not to happen that way, right? Just take care of everything I hold precious here. 
Just take care of them. 

I'm sorry! These are those farewell letters where the protagonist really does not know what to say, but has to say it either way. You deserve a better farewell. 

But, just be good! Live long and prosper, you beyouty!! :D

Sunday, 22 June 2014



"For the culture of cities, which had outlasted so many civilizations had been doomed at last when the helicopter brought universal transportation. Within a few generations the great masses of mankind, knowing that they could reach any part of the globe in a matter of hours, had gone back to the fields and forests for which they had always longed."
- Rescue Party, Arthur C. Clarke

Imagine living in that world, advanced and primitive at the same time. 
Imagine living in caves and trees like Neanderthals, among nature, one with nature.
Imagine living with other forms of life, together, without being divided by heights and walls. 
Imagine a world where oneness is universal..

Friday, 13 June 2014

Remnants of a Supposed Masterpiece

Remnants of a Supposed Masterpiece

I dreamed a dream,
In which I was standing,
Standing at the edge of a cliff,
Standing tall and undaunted.

And there before me,
Lay nature in its true form;
Green and blue and brown
Rendering the other colours invisible.

It was like a painting,
Delivering all the detail.
Except, it moved.

I stood there watching this painting,
Then, a sound came along.
A voice reciting a poem,
Praising the beauty of this painting.
It was my voice, delivering a poem,
A gift to all of nature.

Then music accompanied the praise,
The soft and serene music of the violin string,
Joined by regular beats of 
The drum.

Then I flew over nature,
Listening to that supposed masterpiece I was delivering,
Echoing through hills and valleys,
Floating over blue streams,
Sustaining life as there was.

I don't remember any of the lines.
One line vaguely comes back,
Like life with no body,

I delivered a supported masterpiece praising nature.
I don't remember anymore. Maybe a day will come when the line gets a body.

Sunday, 8 June 2014



You're an everlasting hurricane,
An eternal fountain of joy,
An eloquent river of beautiful words.

You're the extremity of cheer,
An emulation of life,
An extravagance of yourself.

You're the embellishment to a worth-to-be-told story,
An essential ingredient,
An embalmment of friendship.

All of those, in one of the empty
Chambers of the heart.
I carry your heart with me,
I carry it In my heart.

The 'life' in the Life Force

The 'life' in Life Force

What if there are forces not yet proven by science? 
What if we're all just vessels to the various forces of nature, vessels put to test compatibility for a much greater scientific experiment?
After all those questions asked about life, I think life is all about emotions. Come to think of it, they are all around us, in everything. These non-livimg things, they show the emotions of ignorance and arrogance, possibly nervousness or shyness. 
This 'emotion', I feel, is one of the many forces of nature, that affects the course of nature in a conspicuous way. It seems like it does nothing, but it is what decides 'Fate'. 
So basically, Emotion is something around which things are woven around or maybe its like the spider in the middle of the web or maybe one of the nodes of the web.
When we are all young and new to this world of forces working together, the only emotions we really can show are probably happiness and sadness and probably ignorance and a tiny, tiny bit of anger.  That is the new vessel made for the purpose of 'life', a game played by invisible things...(new theory obtained. Later posts)... The force of emotion quickly fills this vessel and gives it LIFE! 
Distinguish robot, a vessel and human, a vessel; the difference is the constituent forces! Robots= electrical . Human= emotion.
And as we slowly grow up, there is suddenly more space and force of emotion brings in many more various forms into this vessel. We become more lively as we grow. 
And towards the end of our lives, we're too frail to hold so much force in us. We soon dwindle and die. And then that force passes on to someone else. 
Ever seen those acts of brutality done by various people? We feel a strong emotion. Law of Conservation right there! Its the force of emotion leaving the brutal person, flowing into someone who can keep that part of emotion alive; it's emotion adapting to survive; turning from love to pity or sadness. (What form of love is there in brutal acts?)
The force of emotion is too strong and too conspicuous to comprehend. Emotion defines all life and life is all about emotion. 
Life is emotion is life.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Sighs and other sounds of nostalgia.

Sighs and other sounds of nostalgia.

I don't know whether to call this frustration or sadness, nostalgia or anger. 
I can't put in words what I'm feeling, I only know what I am; like always and maybe like every other feeling. This is one of those extremities and the only way that seems to be is to tell you what I want to. Except I can't frame the speech I want to give to you. I just want to cry, cry loud, knowing that you're somewhere in a different country.
Maybe words would swim in those tears, like fishes in a river. And even then, they'll all be abstract! Times like these I wish I were a telepath!
I sense a rationale for all that and it still feels irrational, all the frustration, anger and sadness. 
It must be nostalgia. What rationale does Swiss fever need? Just the memories we hold together, you and I. They are in plenty. 
Maybe it feels like these when memories crave for repetition... 

Thursday, 29 May 2014

The Lazy Death of A Kid

The Lazy Death of A Kid. 

These days, I fear for what I will be a while from now.  No, it's not about my career or something.
You know that feel of losing something you hold/once held dear? Yup, that same feeling is crawling over me.
I once loved food, every form of it (except brinjals, tomatoes, capsicums, bitter gourds etc), And today, when I introspect, food does not tempt me anymore!!! ~thrillingsounds~ 
Worst part of it, ICE CREAM DOES NOT TEMPT ME!! 
I just feel bad that a whole part of myself is just going away to some place unknown, against my wish.
I feel the whims and fancies of 'adulthood' take over my childish self, kill it slowly; I feel a certain cage around me open and yet closed.  Adulthood now seems like a puppeteer and I feel like a puppet.
Someone please cut these threads off, I am a puppet who knows what I'm doing!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

You Pure and Perfect Thing!

You Pure and Perfect Thing!

I see you sitting there,
Hair all golden and flowing around you.
So quietly you look outside the window;
As if the world is a silent movie,
Playing like it always does, perpetually.

I hope I'd meet you someday;
Hold those fair hands and play with you.

I want to look into those eyes of yours,
Deep enough to harbour a universe.
I want to look into everything 
You store in that universe.

I want to hold your head and
Swing it from side to side and
Move mine alone with it.

I want to look into your heart,
Filled with love and affection,
Pure and
Void of all malice.

And finally, when I do meet you,
I hope you come barking and
Hold me in a tight embrace,
Paws around my waist,
Your tail wagging  with haste.

I hope you jump around me, 
Onto me,
Like I'm your only friend,
You pure and perfect thing! 

Friday, 9 May 2014

It's More Than Six

It's More Than Six 

The 'Six degrees of separation' doesn't apply;
The separation is of a greater degree,
Say 666 degrees.
Yes, this could be the Tempter's doing.
I'll blame it on whoever I can ,for
Its too large a blame for me to carry, and
Too hurtful for me to admit.

Six steps are no longer small,
They're all lightyears long.
I'm reluctant,
To start the journey;
I don't want trouble
But again,
The distance is just too much.

Photos are divine things, for
They hold you; 
Mirrors along this path
Reflecting your image, 
A mere mirage,
An image that can't describe You,
Someone much more than a physical form.

But, if the quickest way to reach you is a Mirage,
 I will go no more.
I'll settle for this image of yours.
If our hands are not meant to 
Melt into each others',
I'll place my hand on this unreal
Hand of yours, just to see them overlap,
Just to see a form of connection. 

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Summer with a breath of Rain

Summer With A Breath Of Rain

Its nice, this summer night, cool and breezy with a fleece of moisture and the smell of rain. 
Everything is just so calm and silent despite the car lights far away, driving on straight roads by the lake. The silence, again, is not dead silence. It's a very serene sort of silence, one with a hint.... as if the weather is speaking to me, in a vague and hazy way..
There's not a single dog barking. 
It is really an amazing form of silence I never really experienced before.
Its like a crooning lullaby of Nature, leaving one part of the world to work and asking one part to sleep peacefully for a new dawn will come with new things, in a routine life.
I really wish I were able to sleep outside. But maybe concrete structures and parent orders are more stronger than this force which could give novelty to anything any second. 
What a waste of such a night!   

Tuesday, 6 May 2014



I'll be your Radio,
Which you can tune to your will.
I'll be your Radio,
Which plays "Aap ki Farmaish".
I'll be your Radio,
One to carry around.
I'll be your Radio,
One that makes the right sound.
I'll be your Radio,
Playing your favourite song.
I'll be your Radio,
Playing the beats of the heart.
I'll be your Radio,
Be with you when you hit the road.
I'll be your Radio,
Stare at stars along with you.
I'll be your Radio,
To listen to your sadness,
I'll be the Radio,
To listen to your grudges.
I'll be the Radio, 
To make you laugh at Vicco ads

I'll be one to make you jive,
One to make you groove,
One to make you dance,
With all the funky moves;
Salsas and Tangos,
Balls and hula hoops.

And when my charge runs out,
When my cells die,
All I need is, 
Your little smile
To be your Radio,
Forever on, from tonight....

Sunday, 30 March 2014

I'm sorry, poor man..

I'm sorry, poor man..

I'm feeling a bit guilty and sorry.
This guy on the road, he was a beggar
And he did ask for money
And he said," it's ugadi, please do give me some money." And I just walked away
With a thought of actually giving something.
I did not give him anything.
But, now that his words are continually echoing in my mind,
In the selfsame tune and words,
I feel sorry.
I feel guilty.
I feel bad.
It is a festival,
As is a new year for the people who follow the local calender.
Everyone deserves something extra when its a festival.
Something nice.
As is custom to actually give something during a festival.
But I just walked away.
Now that I think about it, I feel like I should've given him something atleast.
He was old-looking,
Not so old and yet not so young.
Somewhere in between.
It was a regretful thing.
But as a friend said, "repentance is a phantom that comes too late."
I am feeling guilty.
I could've given something.

I'm sorry...

Saturday, 22 March 2014

The precious few

The precious few

There are few people in this world, we dearly call earth. These people, they lie silent, as if soundproofed by untold sadness and unseen darkness, living on the other side of this barrier of vacuum, who seem to be unsociable, odd.
These people are not odd.
They're treasure chests. They're beautifully carved oysters. 
These people are the ones who deserve fandom. These are the ones, beautifully carved treasure chests with untold unfelt treasures, studded with gems of all merry colours, lying somewhere in that abyss, deep in that darkness, somewhere, lurking to be found. This chest, so beautiful that a mere vague glance could light up a dull room. A treasure chest glowing with so much light, it lights up the darkness in people. 
These people are the ones, who're oysters as big as Atlantis, etched on with utopian dystopia, who show right to wrong, with the dim shimmery silver glow of the pearl somewhere in Atlantis.
These are the people I see. Everyday. 
Trust is all they need. 
Treasure always means to be found, you need the right map.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Not right away

Not right away..

Even a Disney movie takes a lot of effort to be made. So, if you want the perfect Disney life, you still have to work for it.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

I'll miss you, my love!

I'll miss you, my love!

Physics, I’m done with You. 
I don’t think I will be dealing with you again. This I writre with mixed moods of joy and sadness. 
You were a true love. To be honest, you were a bitch I truly loved. Through all those frustrating things you taught me, all those diagrams you showed me to draw, and everything you took me through, they were painful, mind-wobbling yet, awesome!
You were my food for thought, you wholly occupied my mind, I still do think about all the mysteries you hold. I theorise about you, your mysteries. You’re a constant thought. A thought I don’t want to stop thinking.
You define me. I’m an imbecile without you. My sole reason of thought and effort. My sole place of thinking and deduction and memory.
But you gave me so many hardships, so many. Yet, I’ll take them as happy troubles. Troubles I loved to bear! The problems of your past are my privilege. The problems of your future too, can be my privilege, a side-thought, a constant side-thought. 
You will truly be missed by me.
Yours Truly,
A lover

Gandalf, I concur

Its the small things that keep the darkness at bay..the everyday acts of love and kindness…
— Gandalf, the Grey; An Unexpected Journey.

Friday, 7 March 2014



If ice makes you shiver,
Yet it makes you shine and glimmer,
If its all you like and
All you believe in,
If its all you symbolise and 
Frozen is definitely a movie to watch.
If ice makes you shiver, and
It makes you dull and dimmer,
If its something you don't like, and
Something you don't believe in,
If its all you despise and
Frozen is definitely the movie to watch.

Its not the regular Disney movies with a prophecy leading the whole story, with romantic songs in between, throughout. It is a musical, with good music and ones which make sense in the scene. Its not the average 'true love' concept. It has 'true love', yes, but it shows that true loves extends to more than a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It shows that relations are not destroyed by closed doors and cold walls, sharp icicles and heights. 
Frozen shows that innocence is not always dumb. It shows that family extends to more than people. It shows deception and ambition through flowery words. 
Frozen is a composition of icy awesomeness, which sends this goose bump down your spine.
Most of all, it has appealed to me, and will appeal to most, the love between siblings, the surely unquestionable true love, that though seems to be invisible, like every other love, is surely present. A bond that is not broken by any reason or force. 
Finally, there is an animated Disney movie that shows love as something different. This is a unique movie and I'm happy it won the oscar. Things must get their rewards when they deserve them.

Friday, 28 February 2014

thought! #13

You’re a snowman! Cry at the puddle you could become or rejoice at the jump you can make over this puddle.
— Inspired by ‘frozen’

Friday, 21 February 2014

thought! #12

"When one loses his heart, he will try his best to protect the ones who would catch it."
                       -Inspired by
                               'Sherlock: A scandal in belgravia.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

A Living Orchestra

A Living Orchestra 

I am a living orchestra.
A melodious harmony of emotions,
A coherent symphony of feelings.
I am a composition of musical notes
Filling up the pages of life.

I am a joyous piping of a flute,
The vibrations of cheerful air.

I am the prolonged sadness of a 
Violin string.

I shout my thoughts like a trumpet's blare.

I am the keys of a piano, 
The brief notes of energy.

A plucked string of a harp, 
Serene and calm.

I am the chords of a guitar, 
The prolonged Musical of the shades of life.

I am a triangle, the inaudible contribution
To an epic masterpiece.

I am a saxophone, piping
The different winds of mine.

I am a drum, the play of
Anger and burning emotions.

Finally, I am the conductor.
The master of this orchestra,
A living orchestra of feelings.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

thought! #11

"Life is a jigsaw puzzle! Only the right pieces, your choices, make the complete picture."

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The night sky

The night sky.

When I see stars in the night sky, look at them with a lot of concentration, I see space, space inside me, filled with bright clouds of star forming dust. I see a few stars die and then I see a few nebulae. 
New stars form and die every minute and that is what I am. A constantly changing universe. 
I see the night sky from pitch-black darkness and I see the one light like the one at the end of the cave. I see the moon. One bright circle with patches of grey. And around it and all about it, a million stars, similar to mine, green, blue and yellow all alight and white.
I see the three stars of orion, distinct and unique. And then they slowly fade away into the horizon, completely conceived by dust and smoke.
Its everyone's universe. We live, we die, every moment,we change constantly, and all of us have those dark sides and days. Its just how nature shows its originality and itself in us. Its how nature says, "I'm a painting of yourself"

thought! #10

"Who cares which day in february it is when you'll love them the same any day!"

Saturday, 8 February 2014

thought! #9

"Even if swords break and shields shatter, arrows deplete and bowstrings tear, our relations will endure, through the roughest and smoothest times, forever."

The Panacea

The Panacea

No one hears the grievous sobs of a person lying in darkness. No one knows why. No one asks why. They just let him lay there, to his unwanted solitude, crying. 
No one listens to the plea made by him, who has turned dreams into his reality and reality into a nightmare. 
No one cares for this injured soul with wounds of guilt, sorrow and treachery. No one tries to tend to these wounds with love and compassion. No one tries to show it where it is most needed, mostly. 
Maybe it is what he made for himself. Maybe he chose not to take the help. But did not keep in mind, he was too weak on his own. 
Its sad that shields and swords come out in the time of peace but none are available during war, at war.They can't be trusted. Our relations, they can be, yes. For, even if metal, wood and stone are gone, human relations will endure.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

thought! #8

"Everything is flawed. Everyone is flawed. Choosing whether to cling to this flaw and complain, or to adapt to it makes all the difference."

thought! #7

"You see half of the moon, I see the other half and now it is whole"

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

thought! #6

"Sometimes, you have to leave the one thing you love, how much ever you love it, to keep it happy and alive."

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

thought! #5

"It was their fight, we got torn. No one is angry now. Just at loss." 

thought! #4

"The world is a painting of ourselves, a reflection of our thoughts and a canvas to our imagination."

thought! #3

"The world is a random place. And that is what makes it something to look forward to."
                                               -Dhruv Jesrani and Batmanwrites.

thoughts! #2

"Quizzing is like doing meth. If you stop or pause doing it, you tend to become dumb."

thoughts! #1

"No one hears a cat's mewing amidst the noise of a thousand mechanical beasts. Nor does it expect someone to; it just hopes someone will."

Monday, 3 February 2014

How big are these small things?

How big are these small things?

How big are the small things?
Immeasurable, are they not? The small things, always so qualitative and not measurable.
I met a cat today. A dog a few days ago.
The dog was sleeping, well in shape, even though its masters were not so well off. It slept on the sewing table along with another which took little peeks at this random stranger, taking pictures of its sibling. It had a serene and happy atmosphere around it, in that tiny, makeshift, aluminium room. The small packets of joy, all bursting around it. 
The cat was a random entrance, mewing at the absent someone. I followed it, here and there, and i finally held it up, in my arms, embracing that thin, lean, tiny furball, covered in black with patches of white. It liked me. I could tell. It gripped me tight, its paws stuck in my shirt. It also rubbed itself against me once i put it down. Against my pants and shoes. 
Alas, maybe everything ends! I had to leave this beauty behind, to its constant mewing at the absent someone.
These are the tiny things in life that make memories and reflect your character, who you really are, what you are. The tiniest of appearances of the moon, still brings joy, for even in that tiny bit, she is smiling in the dark night sky. And every time, I ask myself, how big are these small things? They are immeasurable after all. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Murderer in the Snow

Murderer in the Snow

It was a late friday night, or rather, an early Saturday morning. The light was still far away, shining over a different part of the world. The season was old and the climate, cold. That is when......
A man, silently walking towards the many lights of that small town, from somewhere unknown, kept walking, at his usual pace, his hood drawn over his head to avoid the cold. Little did he know that he was being followed....
There was another man, slightly far away from this guy, silently walking through the snow as cold as his intention. He moved towards his victim with silent steps and heavy breaths taken through his mouth to avoid the chilled air passing through his nose.
He was starved from the day's work! He needed something to satisfy his hunger! This victim would do!
He was starving for flesh, red flesh and he had one, ahead of him. He quickened his pace, stealthily approached his victim and right under a floodlight, cut into him with a knife. Red fluid flowed out, and the snow on the ground was no longer white.
His craving was put to rest. The white snow drizzling in the night covered the scene for eternity.

"Alternate ending" ~robot~

He was starved from the day's work! He needed something to satisfy his hunger! This victim would do!
He was starving for flesh, red flesh and he had one, ahead of him. He quickened his pace, approached his victim and right under a floodlight, entered the roadside restaurant and cut into that red, juicy steak he ordered; the ceramic on the plate was no longer white.
His craving was put to rest. The white foam glistening bright covered the scene for eternity.

Thursday, 16 January 2014



Winds with hints of summer,
Breezes with its memories,
Books with that smell of that time, 
Smells of early summer and cheery times.

Skies with rustling kites,
Lands with shedding trees,
Thrashers in my garden,
Others birds and bees.

Worries and other illnesses,
Thoughts and provokations,
Memories, creation and deletion,
All set to rise at this time.

Sonatas return and 
Clocks run fast,
Procrastinators armed, and
Marching drowsily steadfast.

Yellow sunrises and
Golden sunsets.
Early moons and
Late rests.

All of them, 
Together as one,
One set of lines,
To comprise this chapter in life.

I'd be your knight.

I'd be your knight.

If it were summer, I'd be your chill pill.
If it were winter, I'd be your blanket.
If it were spring, I'd be the flowers that'd make you smile
If it were autumn, I'd be the rake and broom.
If it were monsoon, I'd be your shelter.
If it were fire, I'd be your water.
If it were apocalypse, I'd be everything you need to survive.

For we are, for both, each other's saviours, each other's protector and each other's knight.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

They too are human,

They too are human

I may sound like a hypocrite, but really, do they?
Is not the very window of your car, with its lavish tints, a barb-wired border fence?
Is the the air between you filled with tension and disgust and remorseful thoughts?
Does not the very sight of them make you restless and vexed?
Why do they deserve this?
Don't they too deserve something better?
Something more with compassion? Perhaps a reply?
They are humans, like us, fellow humans, and what makes us better than them? Why such ignorance? Why such lack of compassion? Why such....disgust?
Is it like a window in between makes you greater? Is it the status symbol? Is it the ambi pur air we breathe and the polluted air they breathe? Is it like our friends can't wait for a second? 
Does it not hurt, to be ignored, to not be recognised as alive and present? Well, how must they feel, to see the same thing at every tinted window frame they knock at, at every bike they go to, at every auto they stand by?
They are fellow human beings, if not acquaintances or relatives. We share the same feelings even if we're richer.  So next time, if not a rupee, let's atleast look at them, smile or show the gleam of recognition through our eyes and give our answer.
There will start peace and breaking of barricades and barriers.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

"The sin of my ingratitude still bears heavy upon me"

"The sin of my ingratitude still bears heavy upon me"

It feels good to know that I am loved by many people, unconditionally! It feels good to know that I am in good hands, many good hands! 
I give it all to you, for making my day amazing!! For making the 9th of jan, 2014, a very memorable and awesome day! 
For surprising me, the cake with the bat symbol, the gun, the yoyo and the lamp, the fun, the love and affection, I thank You and nothing I could do seems to be adequate for this. 
Thank You for teaching me that you can't be anyone you want, just by wanting and claiming to be someone else! To teach me that I need to work even to pretend to be someone else! Thank you for giving me the bellows and revoking the fire in me!
THANK YOU, my friends!! :D

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

My closest friend, Happy Birthday!

My closest friend, Happy Birthday!

Today is jan 9! It's not just another day in the life of the person I know best! Its my closest friend's birthday! And too see him, through his window, from this rooftop, gives me immense joy and bliss.
I've seen him rise and fall. And I've seen his friends pick him up. I'm happy that he is in good hands, hands of people who care for him and love him conditionlessly. And also, I'm happy there are many hands!
I stand on this rooftop, in the shadow, look at him answer his calls with a serene smile and thank each one of them for greeting him! I see him text back replies, thinking of what could be the apt one. 
I did not play that much of a great part in his life probably, or maybe its what I think. But I will forever be his closest friend, whether he remembers me or not.
As I stand in this cold, silently observing this friend of mine, walk out and dance to the unheard melodies of the silent night, enjoy the warmth in the cold breeze to celebrate his new birth, I myself feel rejuvenated!
Maybe that's what birthdays do, spread joy and life to everyone seeing this one person! Or maybe, it is his unique ability. I cannot say.
From this anonymous character, to you, my closest friend, HAPPY SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY! 

Monday, 6 January 2014

One Moon and a billion Stars..

One Moon and a billion Stars..

On a cold, starry night, they sat there, at the edge of the cliff, with the whole city in front of them, bright with glittering yellow of streetlights and vehicles.
Her head rested upon his shoulder, and her arms embraced his arm, and they just sat there, looking at this yellow beauty, silently, without talking, just seeing. 
The moon was full, bright and glowing red. It rested somewhere near these two. A few airplanes flew by or maybe it was only one circling around so many times. There was a lake far away, which exposed itself partly to the yellow city lights. 
As another plane flew by, she looked up and saw the full moon, she asked, " Why is there only one moon?" He answered readily, "There is only one because I allowed only one to shine upon your face" 
She smiled and he smiled and looked at the moon together, and discussed the things they saw on it! The once silent place filled with laughter and joy!
They both went silent after a while, and she looked at the stars.
She asked, "Will I have as many jewels as the number of twinkling stars, will you do this to show me you love me?" 
He answered, "No, you won't have so many jewels, for love does not lie in jewels, it lies in the number of nights like this, which we spent together, looking at these twinkling stars!" 
She was convinced he truly loved her, she held him more tightly, feeling more secure and safe, more loved and joyous than she had ever felt. Most of all, she felt the never-ending love that he had for her, one that did not have a saturation point, one that would go on and on till the end of time if it could,
That love which has only one Moon and a billion Stars to decorate it.

Friday, 3 January 2014

The Devil's Workshop!

The Devil's Workshop

My parents always told me that an empty mind is a devil's workshop. Well, nowadays, I seem to agree. An empty mind, is like an empty orbital! It waits and has a high tendency of accepting electrons and stuff for filling itself up! Except here, the mind fills itself with deep and dark thoughts, thoughts that move in the shadows, usually unseen. When you have nothing to think of, when you leave your mind free and empty, when you disarm the mind of its shield, these shadows creep over it. ~lotr dark forces music. Sauron attacking gandalf. Azog and all the orcs attacking the fleeing dwarves in woodland realms. Hobbit: danger and evil scenes soundtrack~ 
Once these shadows attack, disaster strikes. Your mind is no longer in a calm state! Automatically,a negative side, a false negative side is seen in everything around you. 
Pipin: "everything seems so calm"
Gandalf: "It is the deep breath before the plunge"
That's precisely what empty minds are, the calm before the plunge! 
When these shadows creep, when they start their attack, all that is left are tears, tears due to false perceptions, fears, fears due to unwanted thoughts and disease, due to toxic thoughts! 
Its always better to have guard. Or at least, have a garrison at the ready, a ready army to push back against these shadows!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

A result of electric dipoles!

A result of electric dipoles!

This is what happens when you are listening to what you already know. Your mind tends to wander away, away from paying attention to what the person is teaching. And that's precisely what happened. 
Another class of electric dipoles and derivations of  intensity of electric field on an axial line. And that is when my sir said,"An easy way to remember this is, minus comes first, minus, my....". Then my mind stuck to that, minus=my, minus=myness. Maybe that's what myness does. It minuses, subtracts.
Myness, when everything is about you, everything becomes you, subsequently. You have nothing else, you have only you! 
Myness, all that it does is minus love, minus friendship, minus society, minus respect, minus loyalty, minus everything that makes you sociable,habitable, friendly, a good person, human. 
Once you believe in myness, or the more common term, EGO, your world crumbles like brisk biscuits, crumbles from that fragile state and its a slow process. You first turn to big pieces, then to smaller and smaller until you're powder, and then, without you knowing, you're blown away by the wind, into the wind, carried away into oblivion.

All the gifts

All the gifts

Its so nice. All the gifts we receive, seen and unseen, felt and unfelt, tangible and otherwise. These tiny gifts of appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness wrapped in foils of love and affection, respect and loyalty, are often the most memorable! The tiny, small things that don't seem significant, but bury a thousand memories in them, stuffing themselves with them and holding in their bonds, our bonds of love and affection, are the best ones. 
I saw 'The empty hearse' today! It was really awesome and that thing, was an amazing new years' gift! It does have memories associated with it! All the gossips me and my friends had about this episode, the anxious,exciting wait for this episode and finally, the mutual bliss in experiencing this episode! 
Its as if the big, huge gifts are too lazy and unwilling to hold memories; as if the tiny ones, always try to make us happy. Maybe this is where, once more, tiny beats big! 
However big something may be, its always the small things that make it look big!